"Can U Hear Me Now?" Youth Conference
   Removing Barriers So We Can Hear Him!
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*Mini Camp Meetings
*Health fairs
*Community Outreach
*Youth Socials

These events & activities are open to everyone. 
All faiths are welcome

These events lead up to our yearly
Youth Conference at Camp Cedar Falls in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains. 
There we are blessed with  powerful and informative seminars inspired by God. 
We, young people become empowered and enabled to remove barriers so that we can hear Him. 
God asks, 

  "Can U Hear Me Now?" is a Youth Ministry organized and sponsored by End Times Like These Ministries and endorsed by the Southern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. 
            ABOUT US
Southern California Conference 
Seventh-day Adventists
Meet The Directors
Michael & Denise Johnson
Evangelism/Church Growth